Membership Fees

As part of the membership process each member must accept the Club policies - Code of Conduct / GDPR / Insurance Notification.- Please read carefully - Parents/Guardian will be accepting on behalf of underage members.


Membership Type Rate

TRFC Leprechaun U7 2024-25

Any Mini player U7 for the the 2024-25, born in 2016


TRFC Mini 2024-25

All mini player's born between 01/01/2011 to 31/12/2015


TRFC Youth 2024-25

Any youth player born after 01 July 2004 up to and including 2010.


TRFC Student Player 2024-25

Any adult player in fulltime education or apprenticeship (if unsure speak to team management)

TRFC Adult Player 2024-25 €170.00

TRFC Coach/Manager 2024-25

Any member involved full time in a coaching or management position with a team


TRFC Coach/Manager 2024-25

Any member involved as a Leinster branch referee for the 2024-25 season


TRFC Clubhouse 2024-25

Any non-playing member or individual not involved in coaching or managing a team within the club

Family Membership 3 members                      -              Discount 10%
Family Membership 4 members                      -              Discount 20%
Family Membership 5 or more members         -              Discount 30%